
Die wenigsten Hosts sind auf vollständige Installationen von qmail, sendmail, etc. angewiesen. Wer ohnehin einen zentralen Mailserver fährt und Workstations lediglich zum Mailen, News lesen, Programmieren, Grafiken bearbeiten usw. nutzt, kann die Mailsysteme auf den einzelnen Hosts durch smtppipe ersetzten, welches eine Mail von stdin liest und an den durch $SMTPRELAY genannten Mailserver weiterleitet.


smtppipe V0.21 - reads mail from stdin and forwards it to a smtp relay
conformal with sendmail and qmail-inject command line switches

smtppipe [-a] [-h] [-t] [-A] [-H] [-f sender] [-m relay] [-p port] [-l] [-x]
         [-ct connect_timeout] [-rt read_timeout] [-wt write_timeout] [-v]
         [-oem] [-oi] [--] [recipient ... ]

smtppipe --help
smtppipe -help
smtppipe -V

  -a         send message to all addresses given as recipients arguments;
             do not use any header recipient addresses
  -h, -t     send message to all header recipient addresses (To, Cc, Bcc);
             do not use any command line recipients
  -A         send message to all addresses given as recipient arguments; if
             no recipient arguments are given, use header recipient addresses;
             this is the default behaviour
  -H         send message to all addresses given as recipient arguments and
             to all addresses given as header recipients
  -f sender  forces envelope sender address; if not specified then the
             From:-line found in the header, the environment parameters USER,
             QMAILUSER, LOGNAME and the name of the account under which 
             smtppipe runs (in that order) are checked for an user name
  -m relay   host name or address of a smtp relay; if not specified then the
             environment variables SMTPRELAY, QMAILHOST and MAILHOST (in that
             order) are checked for a host name or an address
  -p port    use specified port number when connecting to the smtp relay
             instead of the default SMTP port; if the host name of the smtp
             relay is given in a host:port notation, then that port is used
  -l         be lazy; don't print out warnings
  -x         don't insert missing From, Subject, Message-ID and Date lines
             into the header of your mail
  -ct #      timeout on connecting to smtp relay; defaults to 60 seconds
  -rt #      timeout on reading from smtp relay; defaults to 120 seconds
  -wt #      timeout on writing to smtp relay; defaults to 120 seconds
  -v         be verbose (print out what is being done);
             use -vv for debugging;
  -oem       not handled due to compatibility
  -oi        not handled due to compatibility
  --         not handled due to compatibility
  recipient  list of space separated recipient addresses
  --help     displays this help
  -help      displays this help
  -V         displays version

smtppipe supports authentication against the smtp relay only through the
following environment parameters:

  $SMTPUSER  cleartext user name used for authentication
  $SMTPPASS  cleartext password used for authentication; both $SMTPUSER
             and $SMTPPASS must be set for authentication to happen.
  $SMTPMECH  force authentication method; if not set then smtppipe will try to
             use LOGIN or PLAIN (in that order) if supported by the smtp relay

smtppipe handles bcc recipients and deletes them before final delivery.


Also z.B.:

$ (echo -e "Subject: haha\n"; cat /etc/passwd) | ./smtppipe



set envelope_from
set sendmail="/usr/bin/smtppipe -m"


Latest version: 0.21 (released 2010-11-11)